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Victoria und Anniek verbindet die Liebe für gutes Design und Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Belange. Als Designerin führt Victoria ihr Grafikstudio Futur Perfekt und Anniek bündelt ihre Arbeit als Marketingexpertin und Coach in ihrer Firma Sync Twice. Beide legen einen starken Focus auf die Arbeit mit Firmen und Projekten zum Gemeinwohl wie soziale Belange oder ökologische Themen.
Die Freundinnen wissen um die Wirkung von Affirmationen für Erwachsene und fragten sich: Wieso damit nicht bereits als Kind beginnen? Das Potential davon, Kinder von Klein auf in gesunden Selbstvertrauen und emotionalem Wachstum zu fördern legte den Grundstein für dieses Leidenschaftsprojekt. Growkid als Unternehmen ermöglich es ihnen jene Produkte zu gestalten, die sie selbst gerne als Kinder gehabt hätten.
'I loved creating the illustrations.'
Co-Founder Victoria created not only Growkid's visual identity, but also all of our illustrations. 'It was especially important to me to crate beautiful illustrations that communicate and model emotions clearly. Children might not yet have learned how to detect and express their own feelings in an effective way, so this can really help them to connect to their surroundings'.
Aesthetics also played a central role from the start. 'The moment we started it was clear to us that our goal was to create a beautiful and high quality product which isn't just catering to adults. The colour scheme as well as the style of illustrations is catered to children's needs.'
Recalling how it all started
Anniek's journey toward creating "Mantra’s for Mini" began with a moment of inspiration sparked by a TikTok video. As she watched a mother and her little girl share affirmations, she felt an instant connection to the practice. “I realized we didn’t have something like this available in the Dutch market,” she recalls. “It felt like a gap that needed to be filled.”
Motivated by this, Anniek dove into researching affirmations for children, determined to find those that would truly resonate with young minds. “I wanted the affirmations to speak to the real experiences of children—what they face day-to-day, the obstacles they encounter, and the stories the world tells them,” she explains.
This thoughtful approach led to a collaboration with her business partner Victoria, as they carefully selected 22 affirmations to form the core of the "Mantra’s for Mini" set.
Together, they fine-tuned the affirmations to ensure they were meaningful and empowering. However, they didn’t stop there. “We knew that getting the wording just right was crucial, so we decided to check the affirmations with a child psychologist,” Anniek says. The psychologist’s feedback was invaluable, confirming that the affirmations were not only positive but also developmentally appropriate for children.
With this careful attention to detail, Anniek and Victoria have crafted a product designed to help kids face life’s challenges with confidence, while feeling supported by the words they say to themselves.